![]() The Players Your source for information about the Snake River Basin Adjudication |
It gets hard to know the players without a scorecard, as they
say. So here's the scorecard. What follows is an informal list of people who have played an active role in the Snake River Basin Adjudication, in a wide variety of roles. Some are attorneys active in the case, some are parties to it, others are court officials; but still others are involved theoretically (but not really) on the outside, in the political or policy-making arena. TOM AMBROSE, of Ambrose Farms, at Wendell. An attorney, Ambrose has sometimes been active in SRBA-related legislation. P.O. Box 460, Wendell ID 83355. CECIL ANDRUS, former governor, state of Idaho (1971-77, 1987-95). The SRBA never was a primary focus for the governor, but he was chief executive during many of the key events in it – when it was filed and when some of the early crucial decisions were made – and he differed little with Magic Valley and other water users who had problems and concerns with the process. He also appointed as director of the Department of Water Resources, Keith Higginson, who was often in conflict with SRBA Judge Daniel Hurlbutt. Andrus now is a private consultant in areas not directly related to the SRBA. JAMES ANNEST, attorney in Burley involved with some SRBA matters. James Annest, Law Office of James Annest, 1742 Overland Avenue, Burley, ID 83318. ROBERT E. BAKES, chairman of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Bakes is a former Idaho Supreme Court justice (from 1971-93) and chief justice of the Idaho Supreme Court; the Boise native is now associated with the Boise law firm of Moffatt, Thomas, Barrett, Rock & Fields. "I guess I'm known as someone who won't say no," said the former chief justice, who had spoken of retirement when he left the court but wound up being actively involved in law practice and various other activities. Bakes was known on the court as a legal scholar and strongly interested in judicial administration. He said that when Hurlbutt approached him about serving as steering committee chair, he remarked that he was generally familiar with the SRBA – largely through budget work and helping with the court's setup – "but I'm not that intimately familiar with it." He relearned enough, however, to speak out on the SRBA, and in February 1995 published an article (based on a 1994 address to a Water Users Association meeting) in the Idaho State Bar Advocate periodical, called "The Snake River Basin Adjudication from the beginning to the present". He has not extended his law practice to the SRBA, however, focusing on arbitration, mediation and appellate practice. Robert Bakes, Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields, P.O. Box 829, Boise ID 83701. DAVID BARBER, deputy Attorney General, Boise. Barker has been involved in practice throughout the Natural Resources Division of the Attorney General's office, but is steeped in the SRBA: he has argued for the state before the Idaho Supreme Court on several occasions, and frequently appears to speak for the state at SRBA status conferences. Office of the Attorney General, Statehouse, Boise ID 83720. ALBERT BARKER, attorney with the Boise law firm Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, one of the largest in the state. It has represented clients including the Boise-Kuna Irrigation District, the New York Irrigation District, the Wilder Irrigation District and the Big Bend Irrigation District. A South Carolina native, Barker's law degree is from the College of William & Mary, and he focuses on environmental and resource law. Albert Barker, Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, 877 West Main Street, PO Box 1617, Boise, ID 83701. PHIL BATT, governor, state of Idaho (since January 1995). A former state representative (1965-66) and senator (on and off from 1967 to 1986) and lieutenant governor (1979-83), his major role in the SRBA thus far has been appointment of Karl Dreher as water resource director. JOSEPHINE BEEMAN, attorney with Dillion Bosch Daw & Bock; previously with Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields. She also had been a deputy attorney general; and throughout her legal career has maintained an intense interest in water law and has published and spoken frequently on the subject. Josephine Beeman, Dillion Bosch Daw & Bock, 242 N. 8th St., Suite 200, Boise ID 83702. JIM BENNETTS, attorney in Challis. Jim Bennetts, P.O. Box 36, Challis ID 83222. CLIFF S. BENTZ, attorney. Cliff Benz, Yturri, Rose, Burnham, Bentz & Helfrich, PO Box 450, Fruitland, ID 83619. BRIGETTE BILYEU, a special master appointed by the SRBA Court. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. In another career a television reporter at Pocatello, she studied law and joined the large Boise law firm of Elam & Burke (which is now active in the SRBA). She has been assigned generally to subcases in Basin 34 (the Lost River area). PATRICK BROWN, attorney, with Hepworth Lezamiz & Hohnhorst, Twin Falls. One of the most controversial figures in recent years in the SRBA, and one of the most successful in structuring motions and appeals that stick at the SRBA Court and at the Idaho Supreme Court. He came to the case with some background. A native of Sun Valley, his obtained his law degree at the University of Puget Sound but worked after that as a clerk for SRBA Judge Daniel Hurlbutt. He was then hired by Hepworth to work on SRBA matters, a point that struck some other attorneys negatively (and led to questions addressed to Hurlbutt about how and whether former clerks in the court should be barred from SRBA practice). Brown's most visible client has been the Hagerman Water Right Owners, and on their behalf has filed numerous motions on document production (and discovery) and security, and launched more basin wide issues than anyone else (which sometimes led to conclusions he evidently did not want). Hepworth, Lezamiz & Hohnhorst, Chtd., 133 Shoshone Street North, PO Box 389, Twin Falls, ID 83303-0389. RANDALL C. BUDGE. A partner with Racine, Olson, Nye, Cooper & Budge in Pocatello, Budge has been a water law attorney for many years in Eastern Idaho and sometimes active in the SRBA. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Randall C. Budge, Racine, Olson, Nye, Cooper & Budge, Chartered, 201 East Center, Suite 2A, PO Box 1391, Pocatello, ID 83204-1391. RICHARD BURLEIGH, attorney with with the Boise law firm Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, one of the largest in the state. It has represented clients including the Boise-Kuna Irrigation District, the New York Irrigation District, the Wilder Irrigation District and the Big Bend Irrigation District. One of the more active members of his firm in SRBA matters. Richard B. Burleigh, Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, 877 West Main Street, PO Box 1617, Boise, ID 83701. SCOTT CAMPBELL, Boise attorney with Elam & Burke. A leading Idaho natural resources attorney (he has frequently published scholarly research on a variety of natural resource law subjects including the SRBA), Campbell makes regular appearances in the SRBA and has proposed several basin wide issues. He and his clients (who have included Pioneer Irrigation District, Sinclair Oil/Sun Valley Co., Payette River Water Users and the Thompson Creek Mining Co.) have most often found themselves in opposition to two other groups: federal land agencies (whose right to water rights Campbell has strenuously challenged) and the conservation groups (whose appearance in the SRBA have led him to both challenge and angry comments to the court). Scott Campbell, Elam & Burke, Boise ID. JOHN R. COLEMAN, attorney in Twin Falls active in the SRBA. A Rexburg native, he obtained his law degree from the University of Idaho. John R. Coleman, Coleman Ritchie & Robertson, P.O. Box 525, Twin Falls ID 83301. CHERI COPSEY (formerly Jacobus), deputy attorney general (natural resources division), Boise. A former Alaska deputy attorney general, specializing there too in natural resources, she is one of the sharpest debaters in SRBA court, one of the few who has exchanged points with Judge Hurlbutt to a draw. Cheri Copsey, Office of the Attorney General, Statehouse, Boise ID 83720. REBECCA CRAVEN, deputy counsel for the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee at Lapwai, she has been active in the SRBA. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Rebecca Craven Deputy Counsel, Don B. Miller, Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee, Office of Legal Counsel, PO Box 305, Lapwai, ID 83540-0305. RICHARD A. CUMMINGS, attorney based in Boise. Richard A. Cummings, Meuleman, Miller, Strother & Cummings, 960 Broadway, Suite 400, PO Box 955, Boise, ID 83701 TERRY DOLAN, Special Master in the SRBA, the first to serve in one of those (so far three) positions. Dolan previously was a special master in a Wyoming river adjudication. In the SRBA, he has been generally assigned to subcases in Basin 36 (the north side of the Snake River in the central Magic Valley). Terry Dolan, SRBA Court, Twin Falls ID. KATHY DOLGE, a special assistant in the office of the Special Master in the Arizona adjudication. Office of Special Master/Arizona, Arizona State Courts Bldg. Ste. 228, Phoenix AZ 85007. BOBBI KILLIAN DOMINICK, Boise attorney. A lawyer at Elam Burke in Boise, Dominick generally has focused on wrongful discharge, appellate law and other non-resource matters, but nonetheless became active (and at times even central) in the SRBA in recent years. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. The Boise native was a law clerk for the Idaho Supreme Court from 1982-84 and has been active in the Idaho State Bar, serving from 1987-93 on the editorial board of The Advocate. Bobbi Killian Dominick, Elam & Burke, Boise ID DOUGLAS A. DONOHUE, attorney. Douglas A. Donohue, Donohue Law Office, 812E 12th Avenue South, Nampa, ID 83651. KARL DREHER, director, Idaho Department of Water Resources (since May 1995). Dreher came to the IDWR and the SRBA with a fine advantage: extensive background in water administration and adjudication (as manager of a water district in Colorado, which historically has had more than its share of water battles); but no personal history in the conflicts relating to the SRBA. While his predecessor, Keith Higginson, also had plenty of professional experience in the field, the tone in department-court relations changed radically after Dreher moved in: he and Judge Hurlbutt began coordinating effort and holding periodic informal planning sessions. He has a four-year term, running roughly coincident with that of Gov. Phil Batt, who appointed him in the spring of 1995. MARK DUFFIN, a former state representative from American Falls, now executive director of the Idaho Sugarbeet Growers Association, based in Boise. Idaho Sugarbeet Growers, Mark Duffin, 1109 Main St., Ste 560, Boise ID 83702. LARRY ECHOHAWK, former attorney general, state of Idaho (1991-95). Now a law professor at Brigham Young University in Utah. DAVID EGAR, former court administrator, SRBA Court. He was instrumental in setting up many of the processes the SRBA Court uses in handling the mass of paper and filings that pass through its building, and in setting up the court's computer system. Now a federal court administrator in Los Angeles. DAVID ERICKSON, business in the aquaculture industry (in this case, growing trout in the Thousand Springs area). David Erickson, Clear Springs Foods Inc., P.O. Box 712, Buhl ID 83316. KEITH ERICKSON, farmer in the Rexburg area. Keith Erickson, 873 W 200 S, Rexburg ID 83440. MURRAY D. FELDMAN, attorney based in Boise. Murray D. Feldman, Holland & Hart, West One Plaza, Suite 1400, 101 South Capitol Boulevard, PO Box 2527, Boise, ID 83701 JEFFREY C. FEREDAY. An attorney at Givens, Pursley & Huntley in Boise, Fereday is a well-known water law attorney often active in the SRBA – and truly once of the most central figures in the case from its inception. He is an attorney very active in the massive lawsuit that (though no one realized it at the time) developed out of a lawsuit to which he was a party, the Swan Falls case (Fereday was listed in the Supreme Court action as one of the defendants-respondents-cross-appellants-cross-respondents). He has been active in the arena ever since. He was a member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. As an attorney in the SRBA, he most often represents the Idaho Ground Water Appropriators, Inc. Fereday is also widely published on the SRBA and other matters, and speaks on water and resource law. The Boise native is a former president of the Idaho State Bar Water Law Section. Jeffrey Fereday, Givens Pursley & Huntley, Boise ID. F. ALAN FLETCHER, attorney. F. Alan Fletcher, Root & Schindler, 410 17th St., Suite 840, Denver, CO 80202 KENT FLETCHER, Burley attorney active in the SRBA. Kent Fletcher, Parsons Smith Stone & Fletcher, P.O. Box 910, Burley ID 83318. BRAD A. FLINDERS, attorney. Brad A. Flinders, Stunz, Fonda, Nichols, Kiyuna, Horton & Flinders, PO Box 1565, Nyssa, OR 97913 KENT FOSTER, water law attorney of many years' standing; participated in Gov. John Evans' panel to evaluate policy in the wake of the 1983 Swan Falls Idaho Supreme Court decision. Kent W. Foster, Holden, Kidwell, Hahn & Crapo, 330 Shoup Avenue, PO Box 50130, Idaho Falls, ID 83405 STEPHANIE GILLETTE, Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, 877 West Main Street, PO Box 1617, Boise, ID 83701 GIVENS, PURSLEY & HUNTLEY, very active law firm based in Boise. Jeffrey C. Fereday, Michael C. Creamer, Christopher H. Meyer, Roy L. Eiguren, Raymond D. Givens, Givens, Pursley & Huntley, Llp, 277 North Sixth Street, Suite 200, PO Box 2720, Boise, ID 83701 WILLIAM T. GOODMAN, attorney. William T. Goodman, Goodman & Bollar, PO Box D, Rupert, ID 83350 BLAIR GROVER, Rigby attorney. Blair Grover, Blair J. Grover, Grover Law Office, Chtd., 102 North Clar, PO Box 36, Rigby, ID 83442-0036 FRITZ HAEMMERLE, special master in the SRBA, appointed to the third position in late 1995. (His predecessor was Rich Simms, who resigned from the post within two months of taking it.) Haemmerle had been prosecuting attorney of Blaine County. HAGERMAN WATER RIGHT OWNERS, a group of water right holders in the Thousand Springs/Hagerman area. As represented by the Hepworth law firm of Twin Falls, they have been a spearhead for more action in the SRBA in the last four years – including a string of basin wide issue proposals and a major dispute over the "private attorney general doctrine" – than any other party in the case. JOHN D. HANSEN, state senator and attorney (not often visibly active in the SRBA as an attorney but on the court's service list). John D. Hansen, C. Timothy Hopkins, Teresa L. Sturm, Hopkins, French, Crockett, Springer & Hoopes, PO Box 51219, Idaho Falls, ID 83405-1219 RICHARD L. HARRIS, Caldwell attorney and former Canyon County prosecuting attorney. Richard L. Harris, 1023 Arthur, PO Box 1438, Caldwell, ID 83606 STAN HAWKINS, state senator, Idaho Falls (R). A frequent critic of the SRBA; as a member on the budget-writing Joint Finance-Appropriations Committee, he has pushed for reducing the SRBA budget. JOHN HEPWORTH. A partner of Hepworth, Lezamiz & Hohnhorst in Twin Falls, he is head of the firm that has most shaken up the SRBA in the last year - and was the leading critic of the 1994 legislation. A member of his firm has already put on record several prospective legal challenges to aspects of the new law. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. John C. Hepworth, Hepworth, Lezamiz & Hohnhorst, Chtd., 133 Shoshone Street North, PO Box 389, Twin Falls, ID 83303-0389. KEITH HIGGINSON, former director, Idaho Department of Water Resources. He served from 1987 to mid-1995, and previously in the 70's under Gov. Cecil Andrus. In the Carter Administration, he served as Bureau of Reclamation chief under Andrus. CECIL D. HOBDEY, attorney. Cecil D. Hobdey, Hobdey & Hobdey Attorneys at Law, 125 Fifth Avenue West, PO Box 176, Gooding, ID 83330 DANA HOFSTETTER, Boise-based attorney, formerly associated with Holland & Hart. Dana Hofstetter, Dillion Bosch Daw & Bock, 242 North 8th Street, Ste 200, Boise, ID 83702 WILLIAM R. HOLLIFIELD, Twin Falls attorney active in a number of areas in the SRBA. Perhaps most notably, he crafted the first sucessful motion for setting a basin-wide issue (on the presumption statutes). A Twin Falls native, he was an attorney in the U.S. Justice Department from 1973-74, then became Twin Falls County prosecutor for two years, before setting up in law practice. William Hollifield, 249 Third Avenue East, PO Box 66, Twin Falls, ID 83303-0066 TIMOTHY HOPKINS. A partner of Hopkins, French, Crockett, Springer & Hoopes, in Idaho Falls, Hopkins is one of the best-known attorneys in Eastern Idaho. He was last highly visible statewide in 1990 when he argued (successfully) before the Idaho Supreme Court the case of the Idaho Senate Republicans that the lieutenant governor, in case of a partisan tie vote, could break the tie to determine the organization of the chamber. He has not been visibly involved in SRBA action in recent years. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. LARRY HUNTER, Boise attorney. In effect, the lead SRBA attorney with Moffatt Thomas. Larry Hunter, Moffatt Thomas Barrett Rock & Fields, P.O. Box 829, Boise ID 83701. DANIEL HURLBUTT, Fifth District Judge and SRBA Presiding Judge; he handled a general run of district court cases as well as the SRBA even into the 90's. A district judge since January, 1984, he previously was a magistrate for four years. He received his law degree from the University of Denver College of Law, in 1975 and practiced anti-trust litigation with the law firm of Chadwell, Kawer, Ruggles, McGee & Hastings in Chicago, Illinois, for four years prior to moving to Idaho. (That was his primary earlier exposure to large "complex" cases analogous to the SRBA.) He served one year as a deputy prosecutor in Blaine County before becoming a judge in 1980. He participates in the American Bar Association's Judicial Administration and Anti-Trust Divisions. He is also a member of the Idaho, Illinois and Chicago Bar Associations. In 1986 he was President of the Idaho District Judges' Association, and served on the Idaho Judicial Council. (In 1982 he sought a position on the Idaho Supreme Court but did not receive the appointment; it went to Byron Johnson instead.) From 1982-92 he was Trial Court Administrator for the Fifth Judicial District. He has served on a number of committees of the Idaho Supreme Court and, as a current member of the Supreme Court Committee on Equality and Fairness, chairs the Subcommittee on Judicial Cannons, Code of Professional Responsibility and Court Conduct. IDAHO GROUND WATER APPROPRIATORS, INC., a collection of water right holders in southern Idaho. They include a number of major water utilities such as United Water, which provides domestic water to much of the Boise area. CANDY JACKSON, attorney, the Shoshone-Bannock Tribes (Fort Hall). CHERI JACOBUS, deputy Attorney General, Boise. See Cheri Copsey. LAWRENCE J. JENSEN, attorney. Lawrence J. Jensen, Holland and Hart, 215 South State St., Suite 500, Salt Lake City, UT 84111-2346 BYRON JOHNSON, justice, Idaho Supreme Court. JIM JONES, former attorney general, state of Idaho, now in private law practice in Boise. Jones was there at the scene when the SRBA was conceived and helped craft the Swan Falls agreement which led to the SRBA. JOHN PAUL KENNEDY, attorney. John Paul Kennedy, 1385 Yale Avenue, Salt Lake City, UT 84105 RON KERL, attorney. Ron Kerl, Server Gasser & Kerl, PO Box 6009, Pocatello, ID 83205-6009 MARGARET KING, attorney, Simms & Stein, based in Hailey. Has represented Fort Hall water users and other groups. LYNN KROGH, deputy attorney general at the Department of Water Resources, Boise. She has been one of the most active IDWR attorneys in the SRBA since the inception of the case, and even wrote the first two major status reports on the case (in 1987 and 1992) for the Idaho State Bar publication The Advocate. Lynn Krogh, Department of Water Resources, Boise, ID. ALAN LANCE, attorney general, state of Idaho (since January 1995). DICK LARSEN, information officer, Department of Water Resources, Boise. BLAINE LARSEN, agribusiness executive, Hamer. The owner of what is probably the largest potato-growing operation in Idaho (and that is only part of what he does), Larsen heads an operation that is a major water consumer, and thus a major player in the SRBA. DICK LARSEN, information officer for the Idaho Department of Water Resources. ROBERT LEE, state senator, Rexburg ( R), former state water resources director. CRAIG LEWIS. A professor of law at the University of Idaho; a UI publication lists his areas of expertise as "law, Idaho and federal evidence, Idaho court procedure in civil suits, federal court procedure." Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. DAVID B. LINCOLN, attorney. David B. Lincoln, Elam & Burke, Key Financial Center, 10th Floor, 702 West Idaho Street, PO Box 1539, Boise, ID 83701 GOLDEN LINFORD, state representative (R-Rexburg), and chair of the House Resources and Conservation Committee. He has been actively involved in developing SRBA legislation. ROGER D. LING, for several decades one of the leading water law attorneys in Idaho, and active (and well known) in the field throughout the west. Roger D. Ling, Ling, Nielsen and Robinson, 615 H Street, PO Box 396, Rupert, ID 83350 LAIRD LUCAS, attorney for the Land and Water Fund of the Rockies, and for the "Conservation Groups" – four conservation organizations banding together to try to have an impact in the SRBA. Lucas has occasionally been admitted to the case to argue on specific, narrow areas, and has taken his efforts to win a larger role in the case to the Idaho Supreme Court (which turned him down). GARY MADENFORD, of the Bureau of Land Management Idaho district. Gary Madenford, Bureau of Land Management, 3380 Americana Terrace, Boise ID 83706-2500 CHARLES McDEVITT, chief justice, the Idaho Supreme Court. MATTHEW McKEOWN, deputy attorney general. Office of the Attorney General, Statehouse, Boise ID 83720. CAROLYN MINDER. Minder was the staff attorney for the SRBA Court; living in Boise and working there and in Twin Falls. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Her position was specifically eliminated by the 1995 Idaho Legislature. PETER MONSON. A U.S. Department of Justice attorney, Monson was co-chair with Strong of the committee which earlier this year proposed a restructuring (generally adopted by the SRBA court) of the steering committee process. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. U.S. Department of Justice addresses: Chief, Natural Resources Division, Office of the Attorney General, State of Idaho, PO Box 44449, Boise, ID 83711-4449; United States Department of Justice, Environment & Natural Resources Division, 550 West Fort Street, MSC 033, Boise, ID 83724 LAIRD NOH, state senator and chair of the Senate Resources and Environment Committee (R-Twin Falls). One of the senior senators (first elected in 1978 and re-elected since), he has been either the lead participant in the Legislature, or a key participant, in developing and passing most of the SRBA-related legislation in recent years. DON A. OLOWINSKI, attorney, one of the most active in the SRBA. Don A. Olowinski, Hawley Troxell Ennis & Hawley, 877 West Main Street, PO Box 1617, Boise, ID 83701. BERT L. OSBORN, 26 South Ninth Street, PO Box 158, Payette, ID 83661. WILLIAM A. PARSONS, Kent Fletcher, Parsons, Smith, Stone & Fletcher, 137 West 13th Street, PO Box 910, Burley, ID 83318 BETTY RICHARDSON, U.S. attorney for the Idaho district. Betty Richardson, US Attorney for Idaho, 877 W. Main, Boise ID 83702 JERRY RIGBY, attorney. Jerry R. Rigby, Ray W. Rigby, Rigby, Thatcher, Andrus, Rigby & Kam, Chartered, 25 North Second East, PO Box 250, Rexburg, ID 83440. RAY RIGBY. A partner in Rigby, Thatcher, Andrus, Rigby & Kam in Rexburg, Rigby has been one of the best-known water attorneys in Eastern Idaho for many years; he is a former state senator and served on the Water Resource Board, and a candidate for lieutenant governor of Idaho in 1974. He was actively involved in drafting the 1994 SRBA legislation and was one of its leading proponents. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Jerry R. Rigby, Ray W. Rigby, Rigby, Thatcher, Andrus, Rigby & Kam, Chartered, 25 North Second East, PO Box 250, Rexburg, ID 83440 WILLIAM RINGERT, veteran water/irrigation district attorney active in the SRBA, and in the creation of the SRBA. He was a state senator from 1982-88, and active in water-related matters. His firm represents several irrigation districts, most visibly the Nampa-Meridian. William Ringert, Ringert Clark Chartered, P.O. Box 2773, Boise ID 83701-2773; or William F. Ringert, PO Box 105, Hammett, ID 83627. JOHN ROSHOLT, attorney, Rosholt Robertson & Tucker, Twin Falls. If the water community in Idaho were to cast a vote for the top water lawyer in Idaho during the last half-century, Rosholt probably would win; and his firm, though active in a variety of areas of law, probably would come in first as well as the top water law firm in Idaho. It has long represented many of the key players in water policy in Idaho, including many Magic Valley water organizations (including the two largest, the Twin Falls Canal Company and the Northside Canal Company) and Idaho Power Co. (The firm has an office in the Idaho Power tower building in Boise.) These days, other members of the firm tend to take a more visible role in the SRBA, but Rosholt's appearances (sometimes in a legislative setting) tend to be plenty impactful. John A. Rosholt, Rosholt, Robertson & Tucker, 142 Third Avenue North, PO Box 1906, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1906. RONALD I. SCHINDLER, attorney. Ronald I. Schindler, Root & Schindler, 410 17th St., Suite 840, Denver, CO 80202. JOHN T. SCHROEDER, attorney active in several specific areas in the SRBA. John T. Schroeder, Schroeder & Lezaniz, 447 W. Myrtle, Boise ID 83701. NORMAN SEMANKO, attorney, Rosholt Robertson & Tucker, Twin Falls. Active in the SRBA, he represents a variety of Magic Valley interests, often including the Twin Falls and Northside Canal companies. Norman Semanko, Rosholt, Robertson & Tucker, 142 Third Avenue North, PO Box 1906, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1906. DAVID SHAW, consultant with ERO Engineering. He was administrator of the Adjudication Bureau of the Idaho Department of Water Resources throughout the formative stages of the SRBA until May 1996, and considered extremely knowledgeable about the technical nuts and bolts of water rights, evaluations and investigations, and the structure of the adjudication generally. EDWARD SHOKAL, of Hagerman. Non-attorney has agricultural interests and have been active in the SRBA. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. CATHY SILAK, justice, Idaho Supreme Court. RICHARD SIMMS, attorney, Simms & Stein, Hailey (firm is based in New Mexico); and former special master in the SRBA. BRUCE M. SMITH, attorney. Bruce M. Smith, Rosholt, Robertson & Tucker, 142 Third Avenue North, PO Box 1906, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1906 MITCHELL SORENSEN, farmer active in the SRBA. He occasionally appears in court speaking on his own behalf (easily holding his own with most of the lawyers there) and is the only non-lawyer to spark a proposed basin wide issue in the SRBA. JAMES P. SPECK, attorney. James P. Speck, Hogue, Speck & Aanestad, P.A., 120 East Avenue, PO Box 987, Ketchum, ID 83340. DANIEL V. STEENSON, attorney. Active on behalf of several irrigation districts. Daniel V. Steenson, Ringert Clark Chartered, 455 South Third Street, PO Box 2773, Boise, ID 83701-2773 CLIVE STRONG. Strong is the state's "lead attorney" in the SRBA and head of the Attorney General's Natural Resources Division. He helped coordinate drafting of the 1994 legislation, though his office did not take a position on it. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. LARRY SULLIVAN, attorney. Larry Sullivan, Schroeder, Hutchens & Sullivan, PO Box 220, Vale, OR 97918 DALE SWENSON, of the Fremont-Madison Irrigation District. Address: P.O. Box 15, St. Anthony ID 83445. LINDA COPPLE TROUT, justice, Idaho Supreme Court. JAMES C. TUCKER, A partner in Rosholt, Robertson & Tucker in Twin Falls and Boise, Tucker has been consistently active and involved in the SRBA for several years, and participated in drafting the 1994 legislation. His firm represents, among others, Idaho Power Co. and the North Side and Twin Falls canal companies. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. He has been involved with most major developments in the SRBA since its inception, and has been an active member of the Steering Committee. Rosholt, Robertson & Tucker, 142 Third Avenue North, PO Box 1906, Twin Falls, ID 83303-1906. DAVID TUTHILL, administrator of the Adjudication Division of the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Appointed September 1996, to replace David Shaw; formerly, an administrator in the Southwest Idaho regional of IDWR. TERRY T. UHLING. Uhling is on the legal staff of the J.R. Simplot Co., which has a wide range of water interests in Idaho and which has sometimes been active in the SRBA. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. Terry T. Uhling, J.R. Simplot Company, 999 Main Street, Suite 1300, PO Box 27, Boise, ID 83707. LARY C. WALKER, attorney. Lary C. Walker, PO Box 828, Weiser, ID 83672. "YOUNG" HARVEY WALKER, farmer in the Arco area and a key figure in several pieces of SRBA-related litigation. A case in Seventh District Court featuring Walker as a litigant resulted in an Idaho Supreme Court determination on the reach of the SRBA Court's jurisdiction. DOUGLAS R. WHIPPLE, Whipple's Law Office, Chtd, 111 West 15th Street, PO Box 249, Burley, ID 83318. HERB WHITWORTH, of Mackay, non-attorney has agricultural interests and have been active in the SRBA. Member of the 1994 steering committee appointed by Judge Hurlbutt to consider how to respond to SRBA legislation passed that year. JEANETTE WOLFLEY, attorney for the Shoshone-Bannock tribes. Jeanette Wolfley, Shoshone-Bannock Tribes, PO Box 306, Fort Hall, ID 83203. GRAY YOUNG, J.R. Simplot Company, 999 Main Street, Suite 1300, PO Box 27, Boise, ID 83707. NORMAN YOUNG, administrator in the Idaho Department of Water Resources. CRAIG R. ZAISS, attorney. Craig R. Zaiss, Craig R. Zaiss, P.A., Attorney at Law, 305 Grover Street, PO Box 628, Parma, ID 83660. |