Pew Research Center Global Attitudes Project 2002
Percent saying
United States  Germany
Q2:Ladder of Life/Global Satisfac. (High) 64 49 52 36
Personal Optimism 61 35 36 29
Q7:Way country is going (satisfied) 41 31 35 18
q9:Way going in world (satisfied) 17 11 12 8
Q15:Top National Problems ("very big problem")
Crime 48 45 45 47
AIDS & Disease 42 33 31 39
Corrupt Political Ldrs 46 43 43 43
Terrorism 50 45 44 48
Ethnic conflict 30 30 29 32
Poor drinking water 17 13 13 11
Moral decline 49 30 31 27
Poor quality schools 41 37 37 38
Immigration 37 30 30 30
Emigration 9 33 26 62
Greatest Danger to World
AIDS & Disease 32
Relig & Ethnic Hatred 52
Nuclear weapons 59
Rich/Poor gap 30
Pollution/Environ. 23
Attitude toward United States
Very favorable 9 10 8
Somewhat favorable 52 54 42
Somewhat unfavorable 31 29 37
Very unfavorable 4 4 6