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"On the Legacy of Free Divisors II : Free* Divisors and Complete Intersections", preprint
"On the Legacy of Free Divisors III : Functions and Divisors on Complete Intersections", preprint
Sections of Nonisolated Complete Intersections", NATO Adv. Stud. Inst. ,
preliminary vers.
Recent Publications
"Critical points of Affine Multiforms on the Complements of Arrangements", Singularity Theory, Ed J.W.Bruce and D. Mond. Lond.Math. Soc. Lecture Notes, 263 (1999) Cambridge Univ. Press, 25-53.
"Ridges and Cores for Two Dimensional Images", Jour. Math. Imag and Vision 10, (1999) 163-174.
"A Global Weighted Version of Bezout's Theorem ", "Arnol'dFest", Fields Communications Series 24 (1999) 115-129
"On the Legacy of Free Divisors: Discriminants and Morse Type Singularities", Amer. Jour. Math. 120, 1998, 453-492.
"Generic Structure of Two Dimensional Images under Gaussian Blurring", SIAM Jour. Appl. Math 59, 1998, 97-138.
"Singularities with Scale Threshold and Discrete Functions Exhibiting Generic Properties", Proc. Int. Workshop on Real and Complex Singularities, Sao Carlos, Maria Ruas Ed., Math. Contemp. vol 12, 1997, 45-65
" Local Morse theory for Gaussian blurred functions", in "Gaussian Scale Space Theory ", ed. J. Sporring et al., Series in Comp. Science and Vision, Vol. 8, Kluwer Acad. Publ., (1997) 147-163.
" Generic properties of solutions to partial differential equations", Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 140 (1997), 353-403.
" Singular Milnor fibers and higher multiplicities for nonisolated complete intersections", Int'l Sem. Sing. and Complex Geometry, AMS-IP Studies Adv. Math., Vol. 5 (1997), 28-53.
"Higher multiplicities and almost free divisors and complete intersections", Memoirs of the AMS, vol.123, no. 589 (1996)
"Applications of singularity theory to the solutions of nonlinear equations ", in Topological Nonlinear Analysis : Degree, Singularity and Variations, ed. M. Matzeu and A. Vignoli, Prog. Nonlinear Differential Equatiions and Applications, Vol.15 (1995), Birkhauser, 178-302.
" A Bezout theorem for determinantal modules ", Compositio Math. 98 (1995), 117-139.
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