
1 Mangelsdorff, A.D, and Shenfelt, P.D. The relationship of GSR to the emotion evoking properties of submarine relevant words. Read at Eastern Psychological Association Convention, Washington, D.C., April, 1968.

2 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Effects of light and temperature on the locomotor activity and internal temperature of the Eastern Box turtle. Read at Eastern Psychological Association Convention, New York, New York, April, 1971.

3 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Hauty, G.T, Effects of temperature and illumination on the locomotor activity and internal temperature of the turtle (Terrapene Carolina Carolina). Read at the Third International Interdisciplinary Cycle Research Symposium at Noordwijk, The Netherlands, July, 1971.

4 Dunlap, S.M. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Effects of inequity and incentive on idealists and pragmatists. Read at Southwestern Psychological Association Convention, Dallas, Texas, April, 1973.

5 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Prediction of advanced Army ROTC summer camp leadership. Read at American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, August, 1973.

6 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Administrators and rehabers: attitudes and training. Read at Current Trends in Army Medical Service Psychology meeting, Denver, Colorado, November, 1973.

7 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Zuckerman, M. Habituation to scenes of violence. Read at Psychophysiological Research meeting, Galveston, Texas, November, 1973.

8 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Attitudes, manner, and content. Read at American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1974.

9 Dunlap, S.M. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Male-female co-leadership: testing the Adam and Eve myth. Read at Southwestern Psychological Association, Houston, Texas, April, 1975.

10 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Attitudes, satisfaction, and performance of DTAs. Read at American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1975.

11 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Feedback effects on performance of Army trained dental therapy assistants. Read at International Association for Dental Research, Miami Beach, Florida, April, 1976.

12 Parker, W.A., Schopper, A.W., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dental care requirements of Active Duty Army Personnel. Read at International Association for Dental Research, Miami Beach, Florida, April, 1976.

13 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Parker, W.A. Effects of feedback on performance of Army trained dental therapy assistants. Read at Dental Therapy Assistants Resources Training Officers Conference, Washington, D.C., 1976.

14 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Feedback and job satisfaction. Read at American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, l976.

15 Gilbert, L., Waldroop, J., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Teague, M. The influence of attitudes toward women and gender on clinical judgment. Read at Association for Women in Psychology, St. Louis, Missouri, 1977.

16 Gilbert, L. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Development of a stressful life experiences inventory. Read at Southwestern Psychological Association, Ft. Worth, Texas, April, 1977.

17 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army psychologists' attitudes toward the military. Read at American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August, 1977.

18 Gilbert, L. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Perceived stress as a function of limits to personal control. Read at American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August, 1977.

19 Gilbert, L. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Stress as an interface between characteristic internality and situational externality. Read at American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August, 1977.

20 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Why do some Army psychologists leave the service? Read at 6th Symposium: Psychology in the DoD, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1978.

21 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Long term motivators and satisfaction of Army psychologists. Read at 19th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Munich, Germany, 1978.

22 Barnes, G.P., Parker, W.A., Cheatham, J.L., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Estimated cost of complete dental care for military dependents. Read at International Association for Dental Research, Washington, D.C., April, 1978.

23 Barnes, G.P., Parker, W.A., Cheatham, J.L., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dental caries prevalence among dependent children of Army personnel. Read at International Association for Dental Research, Washington, D.C., April, 1978.

24 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Factors affecting Army psychologists' decision to remain until retirement. Read at the 86th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Ontario, August, 1978.

25 Dunlap, S.M., Garcia, S., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Sexuality for everywoman. Read at the Southwestern Regional Conference of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. New Orleans, Louisiana, 1978.

26 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychologist retention factors. Read at Current Trends in Army Medical Department Psychology, El Paso, Texas, November, 1978.

27 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Beach, J., and Magnette, R. Prediction of behavioral science specialist student dropouts, Read at the 25th Annual Convention of the Southwestern Psychological Association in San Antonio, Texas, April, 1979.

28 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army physician's assistants attitudes. Read at the 87th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in New York, New York, August, l979.

29 Furukawa, T.P. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Drawing the line: what multi-disciplinary child protection teams consider "maltreatment" and why. Read at the 6th National Association of Social Workers Professional Symposium in San Antonio, Texas, November, l979.

3O Mangelsdorff, A.D. Some Army psychologists remain in the service- why? Read at the 7th Symposium: Psychology in the DoD, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, l98O.

31 Mackey, L.R., Rodenhiser, R.W., Beach, J., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Selected variables in predicting success in training mental health professionals. Read at the 88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, l98O.

32 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The psychologist retention study - revisited. Read at the 88th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, August, l98O.

33 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The psychologist retention study - updated. Read at Current Trends in AMEDD Psychology Symposium, Washington, D.C., October, l98O. 34 Mangelsdorff, A.D. An overview of stress reactions during times of armed conflicts. Read at Current Trends in AMEDD Psychology Symposium, Washington, D.C. October, l98O.

35 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Flextime in an Army medical center. Read at the 89th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Los Angeles, California, August, l98l.

36 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Who leaves and who stays in the military services? A symposium presented at the 89th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, l98l.

37 Butler, M.C. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Career decision considerations for health professionals: military and nonmilitary comparisons. A symposium presented at the 89th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, l98l.

38 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Mental health resources in Division 86: tasks and functions: identifiers and preventers. Read at the AMEDD Behavioral Science Conference, El Paso, Texas, September, l98l.

39 Furukawa, T.P., James, N., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and James, J.J. Reported child maltreatment in the Army-- who is involved? Read at the Army Social Work Practices Course, San Antonio, Texas, February, l982.

4O Mangelsdorff, A.D., Brooks, F., Furukawa, T.P. If the balloon goes up, will I be ready? Army Social Workers and technicians train for their combat-related roles. Read at the Army Social Work Practices Course, San Antonio, Texas, February, l982.

41 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Parker, W.A., and Brunner, D.G. Management of dental resources and productivity. Read at International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1982.

42 James, J.J., Parker, W.A., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dental teleradiology. Read at International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1982.

43 Parker, W.A., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Brunner, D.G., and James, J.J. Dental treatment needs of Army recruits. Read at International Association for Dental Research, New Orleans, Louisiana, April, 1982.

44 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Furukawa, T.P. Training for combat stress reactions. Read at the 8th Psychology in the Department of Defense Symposium, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1982.

45 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Organization development interventions in health care settings. Read at 20th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1982.

46 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dental management indicators: development of a system. Read at 20th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1982.

47 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Child and family advocacy in the military. Read at Child Welfare League of America, 1982 Southeast Regional Training Conference, San Antonio, June, 1982.

48 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Training for recognition of combat stress reactions. Read at Southeastern Psychological Association Life Stress Conference, London, July, 1982.

49 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Combat stress: implications and training programs. A symposium chaired at the 90th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1982.

50 Mangelsdorff, A.D. An overview of combat stress reactions. Read at 90th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, l982.

5l Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Rauch, T.M. Field unit readiness training study. Read at 90th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, l982.

52 Greenfield, G. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Combat psychology. A symposium chaired at the 1982 AMEDD Psychology Symposium, Augusta, Georgia, November, 1982.

53 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Army Wellness Program: Potential Impact on Total Army Goals. A symposium chaired at the 91st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, California, August, 1983.

54 Rauch, T.M. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Risk assessment for cardiovascular disease in military personnel. Read at the 91st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, California, August, 1983.

55 King, J.M, O'Brien, D.E., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evaluation of Army physical training and weight control programs. Read at the 91st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, California, August, 1983.

56 O'Brien, D.E., King, J.M., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Health factors related to Army readiness. Read at the United States Army Social Work Practice Course, Washington, D.C., November, 1983.

57 Mangelsdorff, A.D., King, J.M., and O'Brien, D.E. Workshops for management of combat stress. Read at the 9th Psychology in the DoD Symposium, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1984.

58 O'Brien, D.E, King, J.M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Baker, S.W. Quality assurance implications of the Performance Measurement Study. Read at the Tri-Service Performance Measurement Conference, New Braunfels, Texas, June, 1984.

59 King, J.M., O'Brien, D.E., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Development of a non-patient care model for the Performance Measurement Study. Read at the Tri-Service Performance Measurement Conference, New Braunfels, Texas, June, 1984.

60 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Cohesion and motivation: multi-national efforts in the armed forces. A symposium chaired at the 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1984.

61 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Preparedness and prevention: psychology's contributions. Presidential address read at the 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1984.

62 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Survey of active duty psychologists. Read at the 92nd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1984.

63 Raborn, G.W., King, J.E., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dental Health Status: North Carolina National Guard 1982. Read at the 47th Annual American Association of Public Health Dentistry, Atlanta, Georgia, October, 1984.

64 King, J.E., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and O'Brien, D.E. Behavioral Research at the Health Care Studies and Clinical Investigation Activity, Health Services Command. Read at the Second Army Medical Department's Professional Postgraduate Short Course, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, October, 1984.

65 Catanzaro, T.E., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and King, J.M. A study of the human/companion animal bond in mobile military families in the United States. Read at Colorado State University Short course Veterinary Meeting, October, 1984.

66 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Preparedness and prevention: lessons learned with respect to mental health interventions. A colloquium presented at the University of Texas School of Public Health, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1984.

67 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Lessons learned from military experiences. Read at the San Antonio Police Academy, February, 1985.

68 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The 1984 Active Duty Psychology Survey: Army Clinicians' Responses. Read at the 1985 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, San Francisco, California, April, 1985.

69 Mangelsdorff, A.D. What's Current in Combat Stress Casualty Management? Read at the 1985 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, San Francisco, California, April, 1985.

70 Mangelsdorff, A.D., King, J.M., and O'Brien, D.E. Health Care Studies and Clinical Investigation Combat Stress Workshops. Read at Stress Management Conference, Directorate for Soldier Advocacy, US Army Soldier Support Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, June, 1985.

71 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Health Care Studies and Clinical Investigation cohesion consultations. Read at the Second Annual Seminar on Human Technology, US Army Soldier Support Center, Indianapolis, Indiana, July, 1985.

72 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Division 19 1984 Active Duty Psychologists Survey: Findings and Implications. Read at the 93rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, 1985.

73 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Maintaining the Fighting Force: Cohesion and Support Systems. A symposium chaired at the 93rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, 1985.

74 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Combat stress workshops and cohesion efforts. Read at the founding meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Atlanta, Georgia, September, 1985.

75 Mangelsdorff, A.D. HCSCIA combat stress workshops and cohesion consultations. Read at the Anglo-American Tri-Service Psychiatry conference, Royal Army Medical College, London, England, October, 1985.

76 Pepe, P.E., Mattox, K.L., Bickell, W.H., Wyatt, C.H. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Anti-shock trousers for penetrating thoracic injuries. Read at the American College of Chest Physicians 51st Annual Scientific Assembly, New Orleans, Louisiana, November, 1985.

77 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Computer literacy. Read at the 1985 AMEDD Forensic Psychology Short court, San Antonio, Texas, November, 1985.

78 O'Brien, D.E. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Ambulatory Care Data Base Study: Social Work and Mental Health results. Read at U.S. Army Social Work Practice Course, San Antonio, Texas, March, 1986.

79 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The 1984 active duty psychologists' survey: retention implications. Read at the Tenth Psychology in the DoD Symposium, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1986.

80 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Combat Stress Prevention Efforts. Read at the US Army MEDDAC Japan, Tokyo, Japan, July, 1986.

81 Mangelsdorff, A.D., King, J.M., and O'Brien, D.E. Technology for capturing outpatient mental health encounters. Read at the 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel, July, 1986.

82 Mangelsdorff, A.D., King, J.M., and O'Brien, D.E. United States Military Prevention Efforts. Read at the 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology, Jerusalem, Israel, July, 1986.

83 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Computer-based clinical assessment for children, adults, and neuropsychological cases. A symposium chaired at the 94th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Washington, D.C., August, 1986.

84 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Gillooly, D.G. Outpatient workload sample of AMEDD settings providing psychological services: an epidemiologic and management tool. Read at the 1986 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Tripler Army Medical Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, November, 1986.

85 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Gillooly, D.G. Workload sample of AMEDD settings providing outpatient mental health services: an epidemiologic and management tool. Read at the 1987 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Letterman Army Medical Center, San Francisco, California, March, 1987.

86 Powell, J.B. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evaluation of a comprehensive biofeedback/stress management program. Read at the 1987 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Letterman Army Medical Center, San Francisco, California, March, 1987.

87 Powell, J.B., Kroenke, K.K., Wood, D.R., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychological assessment of fatigue in a medical setting. Read at the 1987 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Letterman Army Medical Center, San Francisco, California, March, 1987.

88 Kroenke, K., Wood, D.R., Powell, J.B., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Fatigue in primary care: a prospective cohort study. Read at Society for Research in Education in Primary Care Internal Medicine, San Diego, California, May, 1987.

89 Kroenke, K., Wood, D.R., Powell, J.B., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Fatigue in primary care: a prospective cohort study. Read at NIMH Conference on Mental Health in Primary Care, Seattle, Washington, June, 1987.

90 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Practical test user problems facing psychologists in private practice. A symposium chaired at the 95th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1987.

91 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Medical outcomes studies: methodological, epidemiological, and managerial considerations. Read at the 95th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1987.

92 Gillooly, D.H., Powell, J.B., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Ambulatory care data base study: manager and provider perspectives. Read at the 95th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1987.

93 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Traumatic stress prevention and intervention programs. A panel chaired at the Third annual meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1987.

94 Mangelsdorff, A.D. United States Army combat stress prevention efforts. Read at the Third annual meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1987.

95 Mangelsdorff, A.D. What's happening at APA? A panel at the 40th annual convention of the Texas Psychological Association, San Antonio, Texas, November, 1987.

96 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Provider beware: you may become a victim too! Read at the 1988 AMEDD Division and Combat Psychiatry Course, St. Paul, Minnesota, March, 1988.

97 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Multi-service stress and intervention programs. A panel chaired at the 11th Biennial Psychology in the DoD Symposium, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1988.

98 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Who is at risk? Health care providers are potential casualties too. Read at the 11th Biennial Psychology in the DoD Symposium, US Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1988.

99 Mangelsdorff, A.D. How to deal with occupational distress? Read at the 1988 AMEDD Clinical Psychology short course, Seattle, Washington, June, 1988.

100 Mangelsdorff, A.D. New interpretations in the MMPI: restandardization and CPTI research. A symposium chaired at the 96th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 1988.

101 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Assessment and treatment considerations for personnel at risk and victims of traumatic stress. A symposium chaired at the 96th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 1988.

102 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychologists: professionals at risk? Read at the 96th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Atlanta, Georgia, August, 1988.

103 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Multi-national perspectives on combat stress. Workshop presented to the New Zealand Ministry of Defence, Wellington, New Zealand, August, 1988.

104 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Multi-national traumatic stress prevention and intervention programs. A symposium chaired at the 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August, 1988.

105 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Multi-national traumatic stress prevention and intervention programs. A workshop presented at the 24th International Congress of Psychology, Sydney, Australia, August, 1988.

106 Mangelsdorff, A.D. A brief history of combat stress. A colloquium presented to the Psychology Service, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, El Paso, Texas, September, 1988.

107 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Professionals at risk: organizational factors and occupational distress. A colloquium presented to the University of Texas, School of Public Health, San Antonio, Texas, October, 1988.

108 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Organizational factors and occupational distress. Presented at the 4th Annual Conference on Military Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, October, 1988.

109 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Duty-related stress: assessment, intervention, and treatment programs and the developmental span. A panel chaired at the 4th annual meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, Texas, October, 1988.

110 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Occupational distress and assistance programs. Presented at the 4th annual meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Dallas, Texas, October, 1988.

111 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Risk factors and occupational distress for service providers. Read at the 95th Annual Meeting of the Association of Military Surgeons, San Antonio, Texas, November, 1988.

112 Mangelsdorff, A.D. APA futures following defeat of proposed bylaw changes. Read at Texas Psychological Association, Austin, Texas, November, 1988.

113 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Post traumatic stress intervention and treatment programs: multi-national efforts. A panel chaired at the 4th International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, Tel Aviv, Israel, January, 1989.

114 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Occupational distress for service providers. Read at 4th International Conference on Psychological Stress and Adjustment in Time of War and Peace, Tel Aviv, Israel, January, 1989.

115 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The administratively separate psychology service: current status and update. Read at the 1989 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Augusta, Georgia, February, 1989.

116 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army clinical psychologists: Factors affecting decisions to remain in service. Read at the 1989 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Augusta, Georgia, February, 1989.

117 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Headquarters, Health Services Command Health Promotion Program. Read at the Groves Conference on Marriage and the Family, Savannah, Georgia, March, 1989.

118 Mangelsdorff, A.D. What's happening in APA? Read at the 1989 Research Psychology Postgraduate Short Course, Natick, Massachusetts, May, 1989.

119 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Combat stress reactions: an historical overview. Read at the 11th USAF Contingency Hospital Casualty Care and Skills Training course, Lackland AFB, Texas, June, 1989.

120 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychological and public health considerations for service providers. Read at the National Disaster Medical System national conference, Denver, Colorado, June, 1989.

121 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Training for Trauma: Organizational, management, treatment, and research considerations. A symposium chaired at the 97th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989.

122 Stokes, J.W. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Safeguarding high-risk and stress training. Read at the 97th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989.

123 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Linking mental health and psychological epidemiology: What we can learn from large scale population studies. A symposium chaired at the 97th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989.

124 Georgoulakis, J.M., Moon, J.P., Akins, S.E., Austin, V.R., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army psychiatric epidemiology: Preliminary findings. Read at the 97th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989.

125 Mangelsdorff, A.D. MMPI interpretations: Considerations of nonclinical populations. A symposium chaired at the 97th annual convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, August, 1989.

126 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Ongoing HCSCIA Stress Programs. Read at Soldier Support Center CONOPS/Sustained Operations conference, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana, September, 1989.

127 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Training for psychic trauma: Multi-national efforts. A panel chaired at the 5th annual meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, San Francisco, California, October, 1989.

128 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Administratively separate psychology services: Current and future issues. A panel chaired at the 1990 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, San Francisco, California, February, 1990.

129 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Administratively separate psychology services: Current status and update. Read at the 1990 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, San Francisco, California, February, 1990.

130 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Stokes, J.W., and Jacobs, H. Cohesion in Army reserve units. Read at 12th Biennial Psychology in the Department of Defense symposium, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1990.

131 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army consultant efforts: Past, present, and future programs. Read at 12th Biennial Psychology in the Department of Defense symposium, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado, April, 1990.

132 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient satisfaction survey. Presented to MG Major, HQ, Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, April, 1990.

133 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient satisfaction survey: Research and policy decisions. Presented at Health Care Administration course, Academy of Health Sciences, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, May, 1990.

134 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Large scale population studies with military mental health implications. A symposium chaired at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1990.

135 Georgoulakis, J.M., Guillen, A.C., Richards, J.D., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. The incidence of mental health disorders in a military population: Preliminary findings. Read at the 98th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1990.

136 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Swedish and American Research and Intervention Programs for Dealing with Psychic Trauma. A symposium chaired at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, New Orleans, Louisiana, October, 1990.

137 Quick, J.C., Barab, J., Hurrel, J.J., Ivancevich, J.M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Pelletier, K.R., Raymond, J., Smith, D.C., Vaccaro, V., & Weiss. Health promotion, education, and treatment. Panel presented at APA/NIOSH conference, Washington, D.C., November, 1990.

138 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Mobile stress intervention teams. Presented at American Red Cross Pre-Deployment Stress Management Training program, San Antonio, Texas, February, 1991.

139 Mangelsdorff, A.D. NATO Psychological Support Programs. Presented at the American Critical Incident Stress Foundation, Baltimore, Maryland, April, 1991.

140 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychological support- international efforts. Presented at the 1991 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, San Antonio, Texas, June, 1991.

141 Mangelsdorff, A.D. U.S. Army Reserve Research: Selected Considerations. A symposium chaired at the 99th Annual American Psychological Association meeting, San Francisco, California, August, 1991.

142 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Jacobs, H., and Alexander, D. Measurement of cohesion in U.S. Army Reserve units. Read at the 99th Annual American Psychological Association meeting, San Francisco, California, August, 1991.

143 Alexander, D. and Mangelsdorff, A.D. A survey of alcohol and marijuana use in an Army Reserve unit. Read at the 99th Annual American Psychological Association meeting, San Francisco, California, August, 1991.

144 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Stress, coping, and adaptation in Desert Shield/Storm Soldiers. Read at the 99th Annual American Psychological Association meeting, San Francisco, California, August, 1991.

145 Mangelsdorff, A.D. & Moses, G.R. Army medical reserves: ready to go? Read at the 8th Users' Stress Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, September, 1991.

146 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Developments in NATO psychological support programs. Read at the 1991 Inter-University Seminar on Armed Forces and Society Biennial International Conference, Baltimore, Maryland, October, 1991.

147 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Israeli and U.S. Responses to the Persian Gulf crisis. Symposium chaired at the 7th Annual Convention of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Washington, D.C., October, 1991.

148 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army medical reserve units and Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Read at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Military Testing Association, San Antonio, Texas, October, 1991.

149 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Operation: Publish. Read at the 4th Annual Clinical Investigation Program, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1992.

150 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Medical Reserve Personnel Demobilized After Operation Desert Shield/Storm. A panel chaired at the 13th Psychology in the DoD Symposium, US Air Force Academy, Colorado, April, 1992.

151 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army Medical Service Corps Reserve Personnel Demobilized After Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Read at the 13th Psychology in the DoD Symposium, US Air Force Academy, Colorado, April, 1992.

152 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evaluation of combat stress training. Read at the AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short Course, Augusta, Georgia, May, 1992.

153 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Aftermath of the Gulf War. A Co-plenary session chaired at the World Conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June, 1992.

154 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Aftermath of the Gulf War. Read at a Co-plenary session at the World Conference of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June, 1992.

155 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Effects of trauma and disaster. A thematic session chaired at the 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1992.

156 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Reactions of Army Medical Reserve Units to the Persian Gulf War. Read at the 25th International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1992.

157 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Contributions of military to the development of psychology: A centennial perspective. A symposium chaired at the 100th American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 1992.

158 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Research methods and innovative projects workshop. A workshop chaired at the 8th International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, California, October, 1992.

159 Mangelsdorff, A.D. How to get published. Read at the 8th International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, Los Angeles, California, October, 1992.

160 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Developing workplace stress management supports: NATO Psychological Support Research Programs. Read at 2nd APA/NIOSH conference on occupational stress and worker well-being, Washington, D.C., November, 1992.

161 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Getting published: tips for students. Colloquium presented at University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, January, 1993.

162 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Lessons learned from the military: Applications for Management. Colloquium presented at University of Texas, Arlington, Texas, January 1993.

163 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Measuring military stress: theory and practice. Read at Second World Congress on Stress, Trauma and Coping in the Emergency Professions, Baltimore, Maryland, May, 1993.

164 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient satisfaction. Read at the 1993 Ambulatory Patient Care conference, San Antonio, Texas, May, 1993.

165 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient satisfaction in Army medical facilities. Read at 1993 AMEDD Clinical Psychology Short course, Bethesda, Maryland, May, 1993.

166 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Mental health lessons learned from recent operational experiences. Read at Third European Conference on Traumatic Stress, Bergen, Norway, June, 1993.

167 Hudak, J., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Zucker, K. Nursing mobilization readiness. Presented to Army Nursing board, Washington, D.C., June, 1993.

168 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient attitudes and behaviors in Army medical facilities. Read at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1993.

169 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Cohesion: Current issues and future directions. A symposium chaired at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1993.

170 Alexander, D., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Platoni, K., Middleton, S., and Gruenther, R. Psychological distress in Army reserve units after Operation Desert Shield/Storm. Read at the 101st Annual Convention the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1993.

171 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Alexander, D. Cohesion in Army reserve units after Operation Desert Storm. Read at the 101st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1993.

172 Levine, M., Westhouse, D., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Drug and alcohol study. Presented to Human Resources Division, Headquarters Health Services Command, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, August, 1993.

173 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Stress and catastrophic events. Read at the 1993 National Disaster Medical System conference, San Antonio, Texas, August, 1993.

174 Mangelsdorff, A.D. United States Psychological Support programs. Read at the 1993 International Stress Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1993.

175 Mangelsdorff, A.D. NATO Research Study Programs. Read at the 1993 International Stress Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1993.

176 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Military leader interventions and psychological support. Read at the 1993 International Stress Workshop, San Antonio, Texas, December, 1993.

177 Mangelsdorff, A.D. NATO Research Study Group on psychological support: Recommendations for military personnel. Read at the 1994 Behavioral Science Postgraduate Short Course, San Antonio, Texas, August, 1994.

178 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Military cohesion: readiness in the Reserve Components. Read at the 102nd Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Los Angeles, California, August, 1994.

179 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Recommendations from P.8/RSG 22 on psychological support for military personnel. Read at the 35th NATO DRG Seminar on Improving Military Performance Through Ergonomics, Mannheim, FR Germany, September, 1994.

180 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Recommendations from NATO RSG 22 on psychological support for military personnel. Read at the NATO Panel 8 meeting, Washington, D.C., October, 1994.

181 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Personal survival. Read at the Health Promotion Nurse Educator Certification course, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, November, 1994.

182 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Assessing patient satisfaction. Read at the 10th Annual Army Medical Department Quality Improvement Conference, Denver, Colorado, December, 1994.

183 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Lessons Learned from Research Study Group 22 on psychological support for military personnel. Read at The Technical Cooperation Program meeting, Sydney, Australia, May, 1995.

184 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychological Support for Military Personnel. Workshop chaired for the Partnership for Peace Program. NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium, July, 1995.

185 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Finstuen, K., & Sadlon, G.L. Fitness and wellness program for U.S. Army-Baylor graduate students in Health Care Administration. Read at the 103rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New York, New York, August, 1995.

186 Mangelsdorff, A.D. NATO Research Study Group on Psychological Support: Workplace Implications. Read at Work, Stress, and Health '95: Creating Healthier Workplaces. American Psychological Association/NIOSH meeting, Washington, D.C., September, 1995.

187 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Work Stress Assessment and Intervention using the OSI. Panel chaired at Work, Stress, and Health '95: Creating Healthier Workplaces. American Psychological Association/NIOSH meeting, Washington, D.C., September, 1995.

188 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Consultation and psychological support in the age of information. Presented at Psychology Department, Our Lady of the Lake University, San Antonio, Texas, February, 1996.

189 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Use of internet resources for psychological support. Presented at The Technical Cooperation Program, San Antonio, Texas, July, 1996.

190 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Multinational peacekeeping efforts - What have we learned? Symposium chaired at the 104th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1996.

191 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Peacekeeping: An historical perspective. Read at the 104th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 1996.

192 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychological support strategies for soldiers in the information age. Read at NATO/Partnership for Peace Workshop. Psychological Readiness for Multinational Operations: Directions for the 21st Century. Heidelberg, Germany, July, 1997.

193 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Knowledge management in the U.S. Army Medical Department. Read at NATO/Partnership for Peace Workshop. Psychological Readiness for Multinational Operations: Directions for the 21st Century. Heidelberg, Germany, July, 1997.

194 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evolution of Military Psychology and Division 19 - Past, Present, and Future. Symposium chaired at the 105th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1997.

195 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Concurrent trends in Health Service Systems and Society. Read at the 105th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1997.

196 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Use of internet resources for psychological support. Presented at Ministry of Defence, Paramaribo, Suriname, February, 1998.

197 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Internet resources. Presented at University Medical School, Paramaribo, Suriname, February, 1998.

198 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Use of internet resources for psychological support. Presented at TTCP, Wellington, New Zealand, April, 1998.

199 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Tracking Curriculum Effectiveness and Career Development of Program Graduates. Symposium chaired at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August, 1998.

200 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Tracking Career Development of U.S. Army-Baylor University Alumni/Graduates in Healthcare Administration. Read at the 106th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, California, August, 1998.

201 Mangelsdorff, A.D. U.S. Army-Baylor University HCA Program 1947 to present: How we doing? Read at the U.S. Army-Baylor University preceptors conference for Faculty Researcher of the year award, San Antonio, Texas, November, 1998.

202 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Surviving overload in the information age: Using telecommunications resources successfully. Read at the 1999 American Psychological Association/NIOSH Work Stress & Health conference, Baltimore, Maryland, March 1999.

203 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Peacekeeping: Selection, Training, Preparation, Utilization, Consequences, Lessons Learned, and Resources. Symposium chaired at the 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1999.

204 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Peacekeeping: Lessons Learned and Resources. Read at the 107th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts, August, 1999.

205 Mangelsdorff, A.D. How is the Quality of Care in Military MTFs Perceived? Preliminary Analyses of Monthly DoD Consumer Satisfaction Surveys (Raw Scores) from January 1997 thru April 1999. Presented to LTG Ron Blanck, MEDCOM, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, October, 1999.

206 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Information Management. Read at the Combat/Operational Stress Control Officer Basic Course, Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute, Fort Sam Houston, Texas, March, 2000.

207 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Federal Psychology Program Contributions to the Evolution of Psychology. Symposium chaired at the 108th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 2000.

208 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Concurrent Times lines in Health Service Systems. Read at the 108th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C., August, 2000.

209 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Lessons learned and psychological support resources. Read at the NATO/Partnership for Peace Workshop: Second International Conference on Human Dimensions during Military Deployments, Heidelberg, Germany, September, 2000.

210 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Analysis of Selected Attitudes and Behaviors of DoD Beneficiaries Using Military Health System. Read at Baylor Scholars Day, Waco, TX, February, 2001.

211 Wainright, C., Tucker, J., Rogers, J., Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Baylor Graduate Outcomes Project for Healthcare Administration. Read at the Texas Hospital Association, Austin, TX, June, 2001.

212 Wainright, C., Rogers, J., Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Baylor Graduate Outcomes Project for Healthcare Administration. Read at the Association University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Atlanta, GA, June, 2001.

213 Wainright, C., Rogers, J., Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Baylor Executive Skills Competencies. Read at the Association University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Atlanta, GA, June, 2001.

214 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Federal Research Areas: Surveys and Methods to Improve Design. Symposium chaired at the 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 2001.

215 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Surveys of attitudes toward military health systems. Read at the 109th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 2001.

216 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Bioterrorism survey. Presented at Bexar County Medical Society, San Antonio, TX, October, 2001.

217 Mangelsdorff, A.D. German genealogy. Presented at San Antonio library genealogy research workshop, San Antonio, TX, October, 2001.

218 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Finding German Family Roots: A Systematic Strategy. Read at Baylor Scholars Day, Waco, TX, January, 2002.

219 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Monthly consumer satisfaction survey research perspective. Read at MEDCOM, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2002.

220 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Mulkey, S, Rogers, R., Finstuen, K., Ruiz, E.H., Pryor, R., and Dominguez, D. Factors Affecting JCAHO Scores at Army Medical Treatment Facilities. Read at Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Washington, DC, June, 2002.

221 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Research and Leadership Programs at Military Academy and Senior Service Schools. Symposium chaired at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 2002.

222 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Leadership and Career Development of U.S. Army-Baylor University Graduates in Health Care Administration. Read at the 110th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL, August, 2002.

223 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Dartmouth College. The Great Class of '67. Summary Demographics. Presented at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, October, 2002.

224 Mangelsdorff, A.D. U.S. Army-Baylor University Healthcare Administration Program: 50 Years Value Added to the Federal Health Sector. Presented at Baylor Scholars Day, Waco, TX, February, 2003.

225 Mangelsdorff, A.D. and Ruiz, E.H. International health resources: Implications for operational preparedness. Presented at American College for Healthcare Executives, Chicago, IL, March, 2003.

226 Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Role of Research Institutions in Addressing National Security Concerns. Symposium chaired at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2003.

227 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Addressing National Security Concerns: Context From World War II to Present. Read at the 111th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2003.

228 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Use of Demographics in Examining Germany and the United States: A Fulbright Scholar's Experiences. Presented at Baylor University Scholars' Day, Waco, TX, February, 2004.

229 Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Patient Satisfaction in military medicine: Refinement of an attitude model and tests of DoD effects. Presented at Baylor University Scholars' Day, Waco, TX, February, 2004.

230 Mangelsdorff, A.D. U.S. Army-Baylor University Health Care Administration Program Evidenced-Based Outcomes in the Military Health System. Presented at Preceptors Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2004.

231 Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Executive competencies in health care research: A decade of assessment. Presented at Preceptors Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2004.

232 Brown, D., Lee, J., Mylan, M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Finstuen, K. Executive preceptor competencies: Mentoring the next generation. Presented at Preceptors Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2004.

233 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Mulkey, S., Finstuen, K., and LaFrance, K. Curriculum Review and Health Care Administration Competencies. Presented at Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), San Diego, CA, June, 2004

234 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Military Leadership: Development and Applications. Symposium chaired at 2004 American Psychological Association convention, Honolulu, HI, Aug., 2004.

235 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Finstuen, K., Mylan, M., Lee, J.W., and Brown, D.B. Health Care Administration Preceptor Roles and Functions. Presented at 2004 American Psychological Association convention, Honolulu, HI, Aug., 2004.

236 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evolution of psychology and national security needs. Presented at Baylor University Scholars' Day, Waco, TX, February, 2005.

237 Finstuen, K., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Executive competencies in health care administration: Preceptors of the U.S. Army-Baylor University Graduate Program. Presented at Baylor University Scholars' Day, Waco, TX, February, 2005.

238 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Mental health preparation and responses to terrorism: Initiatives and future directions. Symposium chaired at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2005.

239 Mangelsdorff, A.D. History of disaster relief and homeland defense. Read at the 113th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2005.

240 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Mental health initiatives. Presented at Symposium on Psychological and Spiritual Impact of Hurricane Katrina. San Antonio, TX, November, 2005.

241 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Workshop and conference on Mental Health Consequences of Recent Disasters: From Oklahoma City to Katrina. San Antonio, TX, April, 2006.

242 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International health. Presented at Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Brooks City Base, April, 2006.

243 Mangelsdorff, A.D. IRB Guidelines. Presented at Army-Baylor Preceptors Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2006.

244 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Value Added Outcomes in Military Service Educational Programs. Symposium chaired at the 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August, 2006.

245 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Value Added of Army-Baylor University Health and Business Administration Alumni. Presented at the 114th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, New Orleans, LA, August, 2006.

246 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Travel health. Presented at the School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, November, 2006.

247 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International health and demographics. Presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Brooks City Base, April, 2007.

248 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Disaster Preparedness and Response. The 1st Annual Preceptor Appreciation symposium hosted for Physician Assistant Studies, School of Allied Health Sciences, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, August, 2007.

249 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Past as Prologue to Future. Symposium chaired at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 2007.

250 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Division 19 early Years: 1945 to 1985. Presented at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA, August, 2007.

251 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Coppola, M.N., Fulton, L.V., & Bewley, L.W. Army-Baylor University Health & Business Administration Alumni: Snapshots from 1947 to 2007. Presented to 2008 Colonel Mary Lipscomb Hamrick Research course, Fort Sam Houston, TX. March, 2008.

252 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Databases and global health. Presented to 2008 Colonel Mary Lipscomb Hamrick Research course, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2008.

253 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International Healthcare Systems presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Brooks City Base, April, 2008.

254 Mangelsdorff, A.D. IRB Guidelines. Presented at Army-Baylor Preceptors Conference, San Antonio, TX, May, 2008.

255 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Coppola, M.N., Bewley, L.W., & Fulton, L.V. Evidence-based Educational Outcomes and Core Competencies: The Army-Baylor University MHA Program presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Washington, DC, June, 2008.

256 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Evidence-based Educational Outcomes and Core Competencies: The Army-Baylor University MHA Program symposium chaired at the 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 2008.

257 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Bewley, L.W., & Fulton, L.V. Curriculum Competency Model Development: Army-Baylor University Health and Business Administration Program presented at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 2008.

258 Fulton, L.V., & Mangelsdorff, A.D. Military Officer Career Progression and Management: Army-Baylor University Health and Business Administration Program presented at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 2008.

259 Brooks, M., & Mangelsdorff, A.D. Military Officer Career Progression and Management: Army-Baylor University Health and Business Administration Program presented at the 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, MA, August, 2008.

260 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Global health and demographics. Presented at Univ. Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, TX, April, 2009.

261 Fulton, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Wood, S., & Bewley, L.W. Health expenditures and life expectancy: An evaluation of increasing relative costs and diminishing returns in the international setting presented at 2009 Colonel Mary Lipscomb Hamrick Research course, Fort Sam Houston, TX. March, 2009.

262 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International Healthcare Systems presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Brooks City Base, April, 2009.

263 Mangelsdorff, A.D. San Antonio Health Professionals Disaster Conference: Recovery and Beyond presented at School of Health Professions, Univ. Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, TX, May, 2009.

264 Mangelsdorff, A. D., Bewley, L., Fulton, L., Broom, K., et al. Educational Transformations and Outcomes: The Army-Baylor University MHA/MBA Program presented at Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Chicago, IL, June, 2009.

265 Fulton, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D. National Priorities, Demographics, National Security Changes, and Implications presented at 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2009.

266 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International healthcare systems presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, Brooks City Base, TX, April, 2010.

267 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J.R., Fulton, L. AMEDD Officer Attributes of the Most Admired Leaders presented at Graduate School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, June, 2010.

268 Rogers, J.R., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Fulton, L. Attributes of Most Admired Military Health Care Leaders, presented at 118th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA, August, 2010.

269 Kim, F., Beauvais, B., Brooks, M., Wood, S., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army-Baylor Competency model presented at Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA) Leadership at ACHE convention, Chicago, IL, March, 2011.

270 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army Baylor MHA Uniqueness of the First 60 Years invited presentation at the Army-Baylor Alumni club meeting at ACHE, Chicago, IL, March, 2011.

271 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International healthcare systems presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, Brooks City Base, TX, April, 2011.

272 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Global health and demographics presented at University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, April, 2011.

273 Kim, F., Beauvais, B., Brezynski, P., Brooks, M., Wood, S., Bewley, L., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Army-Baylor Competency model, presented at AUPHA convention, Charleston, SC, June, 2011.

274 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J.R. Determinants of Most Admired Military Health Care Leaders Attributes presented at 119th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC, August, 2011.

275 Curtis, D.A., Thomas, M.M., Kim, F., Childress, C., Mangelsdorff, A.D. Factors associated with TRICARE beneficiaries' Aged 65+ use of TRICARE Mail Order Pharmacy (TMOP) presented at Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, September, 2011.

276 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J.R. Determinants of Most Admired Military Healthcare Leaders Attributes: Selected Comparisons presented at the Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, September, 2011.

277 Bentley, S.L., Bessler, C.A., Kim, F., Childress, C., Mangelsdorff, A.D. Factors associated with variation in MRI usage among United States Army healthcare facilities presented at Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, September, 2011.

278 Chabalko, E., Lindsay, S., Thomas, M.M., Zucker, M., Boyle, M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Swift, D., and Kruse, C.S. Psychotropic medications and psychotherapy in the military presented at Association of Military Surgeons of United States (AMSUS), San Antonio, TX, November, 2011.

279 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Global health, demographics, and water resources presented at University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, January, 2012.

280 Chabalko, E.L, Lindsey, S.V., Thomas, M., Swift, D., Zucker, K., Mangelsdorff, A.D. Psychotherapy and Psychotropic Medications in the U.S. Military presented at the American College of Legal Medicine, New Orleans, LA, February, 2012.

281 Mangelsdorff, A.D. International healthcare systems presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, Brooks City Base, TX, April, 2012.

282 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Bonica, M., and Mihara, T. Using Great Books to Explore Management and Leadership Development presented at 120th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL, August, 2012.

283 Paradis, P., Dove, K., Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Mihara, T. Relationship Between the Number of Post-Operative Physical Therapy Appointments for a Meniscectomy and Assignment to a Warrior Transition Unit in the United States Army presented at 2nd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, October, 2012.

284 Fandra, M., McKenna, C., Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Mihara, T. Reduction in Emergency Room Utilization Among Patient Centered Medical Home Enrollees presented at 2nd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, October, 2012.

285 Henry, M., Jones, J., Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Mihara, T. Impact of Embedded Behavioral Health Teams on Soldier Behavioral Health Inpatient Admissions presented at 2nd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, October, 2012.

286 Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Johnson, L., and Swift, D. Improving the Interpersonal Skills of Young Healthcare Executives presented at 2nd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, October, 2012.

287 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Bonica, M., and Mihara, T. Using Classic Great Books to Explore Management and Leadership Development presented at 2nd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, October, 2012.

288 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Characteristics of Developed Nations presented at University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, University of Texas School of Public Health San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, February, 2013.

289 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Developed Nation Characteristics presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, San Antonio, TX, June, 2013.

290 Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Johnson, L., and Swift, D. "Throw you to the wolves" and Other Strategies for Improving the Interpersonal Skills of Young Healthcare Executives presented at 3rd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, December, 2013.

291 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Executive Skills Competencies Assessed at Domain Level Across Phases presented at 3rd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, December, 2013.

292 Harasimowitz, E., Hawkins, M., Jeremy, T., Cuyler, M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Kim, F. The Effect of Patient-Centered Medical Home Implementation and Cervical Cancer Screening Compliance Rates at the Screaming Eagle Medical Home presented at 3rd Annual Research Day, Graduate School, AMEDD Center & School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, December, 2013.

293 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J., and Johnson, L.M. What Have Army-Baylor University Students Learned? Executive Skills Competency Development presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

294 Rogers, J., Johnson, L.M., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. The Leadership Challenge Enhancing Leadership Competencies in Graduate Health Management Education presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

295 Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Johnsosn, L.M., and Swift, D. Throw You to the Wolves” and Other Strategies for Improving the Interpersonal Skills of Young Healthcare Executives presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

296 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Developed Nation Characteristics presented at International Military Student Executive Healthcare Resource Management course, Defense Institute for Medical Operations, San Antonio, TX, June, 2014.

297 Johnson, L.M., Rogers, J., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Analysis of The Leadership Challenge to Effect Leadership Competency Improvement in Graduate Management Education presented at the 4th Annual Research Day, Academy of Health Science Graduate School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, December, 2014.

298 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Community Disaster Preparedness, Group Dynamics, and Competency Development in Classroom Scenarios presented at the 4th Annual Research Day, Academy of Health Science Graduate School, Fort Sam Houston, TX, December, 2014.

299 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Smith, L.A., Rogers, J., and Johnson, L.M. Application of model to competency assessment and development in graduate students presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

300 Johnson, L.M., Rogers, J., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Analysis of leadership competency change in graduate health management education: The Leadership Challenge presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

301 Tansey, K., Moore, M., Ruiz, I., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Weigel, F., and Kim, F. What impact do after-hours clinics have on patient satisfaction with access to care within the Military Health System presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

302 McGee, J., McLain, M., Skinner, M., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Kim, K., and Weigel, F. Primary Care Provider Productivity: the Effect on Patient Satisfaction in the Military Health System presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

303 Wiesehan, E., Harris, A., Neuenschwander, J., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Kim, K., and Weigel, F. The Effect of Patient-Centered Medical Home on Well Child HEDIS Compliance within the Military Health System presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

304 Thomas, J.E., Kang, S., Walker, C., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Kim, K., and Weigel, F. Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) Deficiency and the Association with Cardiovascular Disease presented at the IIMS/CTSA 6th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Conference, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2015.

305 Johnson, L.M., Rogers, J., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. Analysis of leadership competency change in graduate health management education: The Leadership Challenge presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Miami, FL, June, 2015.

306 Mangelsdorff, A.D., Smith, L.A., Rogers, J., and Johnson, L.M. Application of Bloom’s Model of Competency Assessment in Graduate Students presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Miami, FL, June, 2015.

307 Johnson, L., Haun, J., Downs, L., Rogers, J., and Mangelsdorff, A.D. A Crosswalk of Five Leadership Challenge Practices with Change in High Reliability Organizations presented at 2016 AMEDD Graduate School Research Symposium, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2016.

308 Mangelsdorff, A.D. Impact of Army-Baylor Univ. MHA Alumni on Senior Healthcare Leadership Organizations presented at 2016 AMEDD Graduate School Research Symposium, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2016.

309 Wolcott, V., Hamilton, E., Hieb, P., Campbell, Y., Kim, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Weigel, F. Factors Associated with Poor Health Behaviors in U.S. Army Organizations presented at 2016 AMEDD Graduate School Research Symposium, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2016.

310 Walters, J., Farrow, S., Stressman, S., Wolcott, V., Wegner, M., Weigel, F., Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Kim, F. The Impact of Army Patient Centered Medical Homes on Emergency Room Visits presented at 2016 AMEDD Graduate School Research Symposium, Fort Sam Houston, TX, April, 2016.

311 Beauvais, B., Richter, J., Kim, F., Weigel, F., Brezinski, P., Downs, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Patricola, M., and Powers, J. The influence of CAMHE accreditation findings on program reputation on healthcare management program accreditation presented at 7th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day conference at Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2016.

312 Johnson, L., Haun, J., Downs, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J.R., and Stowe, J.S. A Crosswalk of Five Leadership Challenge Practices with Change in High Reliability Organizations presented at 7th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day conference at Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2016.

313 Mangelsdorff, A.D., and Smith, L.A. Classroom Scenarios for Community Disaster Preparedness, Group Dynamics, and Competency Development presented at 7th Annual Frontiers of Translational Science Research Day conference at Institute for Integration of Medicine and Science, UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX, April, 2016. [Winner Professor Poster Presentations]

314 Johnson, L., Haun, J., Downs, L., Mangelsdorff, A.D., Rogers, J.R., and Stowe, J.S. Crosswalk of the Leadership Challenge Practices with Change in High Reliability Organizations presented at the Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), Kansas City, Missouri, June, 2016.

Publications and CV

Conferences and Workshops


Army-Baylor Story

For navigational markers, go to my primary site at Dr. A. David Mangelsdorff.